Saturday, January 06, 2007

Arthur again

I don't know if you can tell or not, but I did a lot more work on this painting.

I did not use a filter to produce this "effect," I "painted" it all by hand stroke by stroke in Photoshop. It was a long, show process.

Here is the tutorial I more or less followed: Scott Deardorff Beagle PaintingPosted by Picasa


BerryBird said...

Scrolling up and down between the two, I couldn't see the difference. However, as soon as I took the time to open them both simultaneously and resize them so I could compare them side by side, I could see differences. The feathers, for example, are much sharper and better defined in the improved version.

Whew! Did I pass the test?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

YES. I basically repainted the whole thing again (phew!), getting rid of all the pixels. There were pixelated portions which destroyed, in my mind, the look of a painting. You can see them as spots and squares in the larger version of the first one. And then I worked on defining the edges a little and so on.