Monday, July 26, 2010

Homeless and Hungry #100726-1313

I thought I would continue the theme I seem to be going with of homelessness. If hunger goes too far . . .

Pen and ink with watercolor, click to view a little larger.


Lowell said...

While driving around Sunday, we ran across a big "discount" we air conditioning...tons of food, some may well have been out-of-date, but prices were low (e.g. $1 for a loaf of bread that sells for over $3)...

Lots of very poor people putting a few items in shopping carts.

Outside a mother of 4 has set up a table next to her beat up old van trying to sell some baked goods for $.59 each...

It's hotter than hell.

Now compare that to the scumbags on Wall Street (i.e. Goldman Sachs) who just awarded themselves $20 billion or something like that in bonuses).

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Definitely SCUMBAGS, or @$$#@!*$ if you get my drift.