Saturday, January 24, 2009

Attempting Biker Buddy Revisited

Attempting Biker Buddy Revisited, by Mary Stebbins Taitt. Click image to view larger. Pencil. Done in rapidly moving, bump-lurching car! :-(

I took an old sketch I had made of Biker Buddy--dunno if I ever posted it--and worked on it some more. A lot more. If it's around anywhere, I will link to the original. It's quite a bit different than this. The original no longer exists, as I changed it. But I MAY have a scan of it. (Well, I couldn't find the original--it may not exist, which would be a little sad, because the earlier image was very different and somewhat more cheerful.)

1 comment:

L'Adelaide said...

this is cool...he has quite a mane of hair!!
I can't read, let alone draw, in the car...ugh...

I am always a little confused as to where to leave comments on your blog(s) and even if this was right as there is the other link...oh well, I suppose you will find it!
