Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Yellow with Red and Red with Yellow--Tulips!

Yellow with Red and Red with Yellow--Tulips! by Mary Stebbins Taitt.
A small (less than 5 x 7) gouache sketch after Clare Walker Leslie's
Keeping a Nature Journal, page 109. (My variation on her theme.) We
have these in our yard. Unfortunately, the scans never look the same
and I think the real painting looks at least a little better!


a/k/a Nadine said...

Looks nice to me...

Andree said...

I agree with Nadine: it's beautiful. But since I know that feeling that you are having, perhaps saturating the color in photoshop would enhance it so that you felt it was more like the original?

I may be asking you for a sunflower banner . . . .