Wednesday, December 27, 2006

An Invitation to the 30-minute Painting Challenge (failure 1, still life)

On LDahl's site, I saw the 30-minute paininting challenge. The rules are 30 minutes and not one minute more, one layer only, etc. (See Jumbled Drawer.) I thought a still life would be relatively easy, but I was wrong. Note that I am not a real artist. I am a poet and a naturalist. Art is something I am just learning--slowly.

Of these, the first took 30 minutes, the second 50, the third 80 and the 4th 110. (Jumbled Drawer does some incredible stuff in 30 minutes.)

I am having an aspect ratio challenge with my tablet, and these apples etc are narrower than they appear on screen. Does anyone know how to fix that? I tried to fix the aspect ratio problem (last image). But I would prefer them to come out right to begin with.Posted by Picasa


Bearuh said...

I am not sure about the aspect thing. The colors look different on mine than this comp. Nice pictures though and cool challenge!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I have a problem printing colors and having them sturn out right. And they do see to look different from one computer to another. I'd prefer it if all these little glitches were worked out, of course. Also if I were a better artist, LOL!