Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jacob and the Waterspout

This is my third page in Ballookey's Mole. It is an illustration (or study for an illustration) from my as yet untitled brand newly written children's book. The temporary title is, Jacob, Merjon, and the Dream Fish. It's (obviously) a children's picture book. This page occurs several pages into the book, but it's the first one I've done. I have not decided yet what medium I want to work in, but I kind of like the line drawing. However, I wanted fog, and I don't know how to create fog in a line drawing in pen and ink. Micron 005 pen. Click image to view larger--click again to view even larger.


bluerose said...

I like the line drawing, too. The cross hatching on the shadows is really cool! Maybe you could suggest the fog by leaving it blank, and drawing the things that can be seen around it, like a tree whose trunk is obscurred by the fog, or part of a road that becomes visible in spots where the fog clears.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks, Blue Rose!!! Sounds like a great idea. Wasn't quite sure how to do it here, over water. I will have to experiment. Maybe add part of a disappearing shoreline.

bluerose said...

Oh, I see. Yes, that would be difficult. I like the idea of adding part of a disappearing shoreline, and maybe some waves in spots where the fog clears. I've never tried to draw it over water. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I will probably have to redo the art from scratch. The door doesn't even remotely resemble a door. And that will give me a chance to experiment with the fog.

bluerose said...

Oh silly me. I thought when you talked about wanting fog, you meant in the next scene. I didn't know you meant this scene. I like this scene. I could tell that is a door. I love the way you did the boy's shadow on the door.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

YAY! I'm glad you like it. I have a new one--but I've been so busy I haven't posted it.